Indian dancing - DBS checked

Child Protection

Bollywood Dance Worldwide aims to provide a happy and safe environment where children can learn dance.
We believe children have the right to be safe and secure and free from threat, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
Bollywood Dance Worldwide will act with integrity, treating children with respect, listening to their concerns and acting upon them.
Bollywood Dance Worldwide Code of Conduct commitment to Students and Parents will ensure that students will receive professional tuition from a qualified teacher with appropriate facilities following safe practice.
Bollywood Dance Worldwide will adhere to the following Rules and Guidelines with regards to Photography and Filming:

  1. Images of Children posted on will be identified by there first name only, if not requested to provide full name.
  2. To reduce the risk of inappropriate use of images only images deemed suitable will be used.
  3. Anyone with any complaints about images posted on the website can speak to the Bollywood Dance Worldwide child protection officer who is also director of the company and the images will be removed.
  4. Anyone concerned about inappropriate use of images can report the matter to the director of the company who also acts as child protection officer and procedures will be followed to report the matter to the appropriate authority.
  5. The Expectations for parents or spectators who wish to take photographs or film at an event are to avoid inappropriate or intrusive photography. Any child or parent who has concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography must report there concerns to the Bollywood Dance Worldwide child protection officer who will act in the same manner as they would with any other child protection concern.

Any person teaching for Bollywood Dance Worldwide regular classes will be in receipt of a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) disclosure.
The company will provide help and support if any child tells us they are affected by any issues related to health and safety.

Bollywood Dance Worldwide director Asha Semwal is specifically responsible for children and child protection. She is the Bollywood Dance Worldwide Child Protection Officer and can be contacted on 07870407263.
Bollywood Dance Worldwide has a child protection policy as we are taking the initiative in making our organisation as safe as possible for children. In writing the policy we used NSPCC guide for organisations to safeguard children and the procedures we will follow are as laid down within these guidelines.
If it is deemed necessary to contact authorities we will seek advice and guidance from the “Wokingham Council Child Protection” details on how to refer children and where to get guidance is on the website: